As the semester of interning makes its way to a close, and the class of 2012 prepares to reunite, the interns gathered this past Wednesday, for one last trip. Congregating in Summit, NJ, the interns had the unique experiences of spending a day at BeadLuxe, creating their own beaded jewelry, while exploring their own personal style and creativity. Everyone had the opportunity to handcraft their own jewelry from the beautiful beads and collections the store offered, as well as admiring the artistry of each person.
For many of us, this second semester has been our first experience interning. Excited to finally leave the high school world, we each embarked on our first experiences in the “real world”. Yet, many of us took for granted the built on social life that school provides, and began to miss the daily social scene of high school. Therefore, no matter what the trip was, whether beading or a Broadway show, each intern appreciated the chance to leave the “real world” for a day, and enjoy each others company in a relaxed and fun environment.
4-3-12Written by Miriam W.
I have had the pleasure of learning from Dr. Alison Grann while observing the work that she does in the practice of radiation oncology at St. Barnabas Hospital. Within the first week, she became one of my greatest role models. She is so bright and modest; every time she gets a compliment, she pays no attention. She cares for her patients with extreme care and talks to each and every one of them calmly, in such a personable fashion. She also has great fashion!
I have already learned so much about radiation oncology, and continue to learn more every day. It is such an interesting and important field that most people know little about.
This field contains many components, and each is vital to the patients' care. There is a physics team, and a simulation room, which are both needed to set everything up beforehand to make sure the radiation is planned and given safely/effectively to the diseased area. There are also multiple machines which are available to people with different dosage/anatomic needs.
The most amazing thing I've noticed in this particular team is the incredibly caring disposition of each and every doctor, nurse, radiation therapist, physicist, and secretary. Even on the worst days, they never cease to have a genuine smile.
Before beginning my internship experience, I was convinced I wanted to go to school to become a Physician's Assistant. Now, I am strongly considering a Pre-Med track.
In my future, I hope to become much like her. I see how hard it is to be a working mom, but Dr. Grann does it happily and gracefully every day. She loves both her family and her job, and it definitely shows.
Written by Anna B.
At my internship at JNF, I've been able to aid my department in many research projects involving their college programs. I've been concentrating on this since I began working. This week, I started a project that I will be creating to help present JNF and their programs better to teens. So far, I've been working on one program (a fundraising program designed to raise money to go to Israel) and doing research and coming up with ideas to help make it function better for high school age participants. I've really been enjoying it.
Written by Naomi E.
I am working at Geralyn’s Art Studio in Maplewood. I help kids ages 4 to 11 draw, watercolor, and paint. In addition, I work and join the teenage and adult classes, and get to see the work of many different adult artists. I am also working with Mrs. Ulric to paint quotes about research, books, and a library itself around the library.
Written by Jesse N.As the intern at Passport NYC, I get to sit in on the interviews the director of the camp has with perspective staff members. This is a really interesting experience for me because the staff and counselors that I have had at camps and on summer programs have had huge impacts on my life and who I am. During each interviews I listen to the questions being asked and answered and ask a few of my own questions, but I mainly focus on one question: does this staff member have something to teach to the participants of the program and will they be successful in transmitting that message? One of my best memories from my own summer at PPNYC was that each staff member taught me something or made me realize something. In helping the director choose her staff, I look to make sure that every camper will have the same influential staff that I did. This interview process is also very interesting because I recently interviewed to be a counselor at a summer camp, and it is not often that one gets to see a behind-the-scenes look of what makes a successful interview and what is going on inside the interviewer's mind.
Written by Jordanna M.
I have been working at the Solomon Schechter Day School in the kindergarten classroom. A typical day there for me begins when the children arrive. The first thing they always do is write one sentence in their journal. For some of the students, especially the ones that do not speak English, this can be very challenging so I am there to help them with it. Then we have tefilla and circle time where each child has a job to do like telling the weather or the date. We then split the rest of the morning in two. Half is Judaics where I help the children learn about Holidays or how to speak Hebrew, or English where I help the children with reading, writing, math, and science. We then have lunch and recess where I am always in charge of taking the children out and watching them. And then during rest time, I pull certain students out to work individually with them on assignments they did not complete or they needed help on. The rest of the afternoon is also split between Judaics and General studies the same way as in the morning. At Schechter I am there mostly to help the students with everything they do and help the teachers keep an orderly classroom.
At MarbleJam I have been working at a number of different programs. I work at a yoga class, a mosaics class, a music class and a combination creative arts therapy class. In each class I am there as an aid. I must help the children to remain focused on each task. I try and enforce communication with them forcing them to ask for what they want instead of them just taking it. I help monitor the children's appropriate behaviors. Each child has specific goals that they try and achieve and my job is to help them achieve that goal each session.
3-20-12 Our interns have been off to a great start! They are beginning their third week at their “jobs” and everyone is enjoying their work. Here is a brief description of where all of the interns are and what they are doing:
Naomi E. is interning at Geralyn’s Art Studio in Maplewood, NJ. She is working with a wide variety of ages from preschool to adults. The younger children take classes in drawing, watercolor art, and painting and Naomi is an assistant in each of these different groups. In addition, she works with teenagers and adults in the older classes and is enjoying her opportunity to observe the work of many of the different adult artists. Naomi is also helping out our own librarian, Mrs. Ulrich, with sprucing up the library with quotes from books, authors, and research. She can be found painting the walls, at any given time! She will also be doing a small research project based on the quotes that she is using.
Carolyn L. is interning at the Center for Alcohol Studies at Rutgers. She has her own space and desk where she will begin working on her group and individual projects. Initially, she needed to learn the “basics” of working in a library, such as scanning documents, front desk duties, and database searches. She has now moved on to assisting professors with research, finding books, and retrieving articles for them. There are times when Carolyn can be found working through lunch because she is enjoying her research so much!
Jordanna M. is doing two internships. The first one is at the Solomon Schecheter of Bergen County, where she is working in a classroom as an assistant. She works both individually with students and she works with groups of students, when needed. This past week, Jordanna has been working with two boys who speak Hebrew but do not speak much English. She is responsible for helping them complete their assignments in English. In addition, Jordanna works with the Judaics and English teachers to help individual students with their work. The children in the classrooms are getting to know her very well and love when she is in their rooms! The second internship that Jordannna is doing is at MarbleJam Kids, a therapy based center, where she assists in yoga classes with children who have Down’s Syndrome. Jordanna is doing a great job in both places and truly loves “being a teacher!”
Jesse N. is interning in the offices of Passport NYC, a NYC sleep away camp, located at the 92nd St Y in New York City. The camp focuses on five majors or specialties: film, fashion, music industry, musical theater, and culinary arts. Jesse attended this camp in its inaugural year in 2010 as a culinary arts major. Some of Jesse's responsibilities are sorting and filing camper's paperwork, keeping in touch with fellow PPNYC alumni, brainstorming ideas and programs for afternoon, evening, and weekend activities, and formulating and creating a community service program for the camp, as well as a process and method for integrating Judaism, Jewish life, Jewish values, and Israel into the camp's daily activities. Jesse is excited to be working to give future campers the same amazing experience he had at PPNYC.
Anna B. is interning at Jewish National Fund, in the Israel Advocacy and Education department. She is responsible for many projects that aid the department. For example, she has helped build new contacts in the database, has done research for JNF's Alternative Winter and Spring Break programs and Caravan for Democracy programs, and some bookkeeping work for her supervisor. She is really enjoying being in New York City every day and especially enjoying her internship at JNF.
Rachel M. is interning at Positive Steps Occupational Therapy and Pine Brook Jewish Center Nursery School. Rachel is excited to be there because she is very interested in becoming an occupational therapist. Her responsibilities at Positive Steps include: observations of therapy lessons, some interactions with the students, and working the phone at the center. At Pine Brook Jewish Center, Rachel is working in a three year old classroom for the first week or two. The kids love her and already think of her as one of their teachers. When Rachel moves to the four year old classroom, she will be given the responsibility of coming up with themes and lesson plans to teach to the class. She is very excited to be able to start this. She will be doing an Israel theme – keep an eye out for this great lesson!
Naamit T. is interning at Justice for Jews, an advocacy program that organizes and mobilizes citizens and serves as a catalyst for Jewish issues. This program is right up “Naamit’s alley.” She has always been involved in advocacy for Jews and headed up the program at school for this cause. Naamit is doing research and working on Congressional issues that affect Jewish people around the world. She will also be attending Congressional conferences with her mentor.
Miriam W. is interning at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Oncology Department. Medicine is a passion for Miriam and she is very interested in going into the Health/Medical field in college. She is under the direction of one of our own parents, Dr. Grann. Miriam can be found shadowing her or one of her associates on a daily basis. In addition, she has been doing some research for them.
Maya S. is interning at the Simon Gallery in Morristown, NJ. She is having the time of her life and meeting such interesting people! Maya is assisting the gallery owner with everything that he does on a daily basis, such as meeting with artists, curating, going to clients’ homes to work on art decorating, working on a “showing” that will take place in the spring, and working at the front desk. She is getting true hands on experience in this field.
Dori R. is interning in two places. The first one is at the Solomon Schecheter of Bergen County, where she is working in a classroom as an assistant. She works both individually with students and she works with groups of students, when needed. Her second internship is at Holy Name Medical Center, where she works in the day care center in two different classrooms. She loves both places and feels so at home with all of the children that she interacts with on a daily basis.
Written by Na'amit T.
As seniors of the class of 2012 prepare to embark on their second and final semester, a group of 20 ambitious, excited, and anxious senior students have begun preparing for their internships.
For the past week and a half, the seniors have met to discuss upcoming plans, and prepare for the exhilarating months ahead. As part of the internship program, the students meet once every other week to reunite and participate in activities. From seeing a Broadway show, to participating in a cooking class, and volunteering a day for community service, the interns chose and planned a multitude of different trips to reflect everyone’s personal interests. In addition, the interns discussed possible challenges they might face as interns, as well as appropriate behavior, attitude and the importance of making a strong first impression.
While there are many lessons and skills that the interns of the class of 2012 will learn, perhaps none is more important than the first: how to actually find an internship. Each student learned the importance of networking and using their contacts, sending out resumes, and perhaps gained a small preview of the struggles of the job search that lies ahead. As this group students prepares to begin their individual journeys, exploring life in the work place, as well as the exploring possible fields of interest, they have begun their relationship as one cohesive group, growing and experiencing internships together.
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